
Client Feedback

These are supportive truth filled client letters about their successful experiences as they journey through life's adventures at the Atlanta Awareness Center. Please read slowly to see if anything said resonates with you!

Patricia & Derinda

So you know, I truly meant what I said on Tuesday when I told you how much I appreciate you.  I really do not know how to say it… is it your dedication, patience, painful honesty (I could not resist), or just simply your sincere caring for people that I feel so deep in my heart.  Anyway, it must be wonderful to see the “light” come on for people.  I am happy you hang in there and do what you do also.  I am sure there is an easier way to make a living, though I am doubtful it would be as rewarding.  At least you know why God put you here!   Again, thanks for all you do, and know that you are in my prayers (“thank you’s’”).  May God bless you with abundance!  (SF, Marietta, GA)

Hope you things are going well for you. I wanted to give you an update on how I've been doing since our class ended.

While driving home from our last class, I had an "Aha" moment (as Oprah says ) From somewhere inside myself I heard " You are NOT a victim and you NEVER WERE a victim" You have only been a victim of your own thinking ! Wow.. what a relief and sense of power I felt !

My life is changing (for the better) I am so grateful that I found you and "The Atlanta Awareness Center" Though it may not appear to be so, I have learned so much about myself and have been given many life time tools to build a happy, peaceful, meaning life that is filled with gratitude. I also understand it is a continuous process..(No I got it !)

I'm doing so much better about living in the "NOW" saying to myself often " I don't know and that's OK.. I'll wait and see". I'm learning more and more to relax and stop trying to figure "it" out...because I am not the doer. Life sure feels a lot more relaxing living in the Now and allowing God "omnipresence" to take the wheel. (J.A, Snelleville)

Before I met Pat, I thought life was about "pleasing everyone else" and "doing the right thing". After taking Helpline I, Helpline II and Intimacy with Pat, I came to know who and what I am. Pat helped me find the real "me". She showed me how to work through deep seeded anger, resentment and frustration. I now know and love the true self. I also came to know that NOW is all I have. Thank you, Pat Zerman. (P.A., Atlanta)

I was sick and tired of life; I was angry and didn't know why, I had suffered depression for years. I couldn't understand why I felt the way I did. Pat taught me how to change that. She forced me to dig down deep and discover the things that were eating at me, to feel my feelings, work through them, and get on with life! A much better life! She taught me the importance of being true to myself, of honoring my needs, and putting myself first. She gave me the tools of life and taught me how to use them. I'm better equipped to go with the flow and see things the way they truly are. I know that the way I feel and the way I live my life is my choice. I'm no longer afraid to face my feelings, understand where they are coming from, and express them when I need to. Everyday I use something Pat taught me. Pat forced me into the mud and pushed me through to the other side where the sky is blue, the sand is white and the sun shines brightly. (A.M., Buford)

Thanks - I loved the reinforcement - I knew I had gained some ground, didn't know it was to the extent that it was so visible - well now that I've typed that - duh - of course, if anybody could see, it would be you - the lady who can intuit at first sight - anyway, thanks - feel pretty good about myself - I think one of the best parts is not expecting so much from everybody else - really what they do has so little to do with me, and as you always say, when I think it does, and they have hit a button, I gotta go there get clear on how it makes me feel, even if I have to sit in it all for a while - once I do, yet another little chip, usually anger or feelings of unworthiness, fall off - free, free thank God Almighty, I am free at last - or at least on the way. (D.B., Kennesaw)

Several years ago, I saw a huge transformation in a co-worker. I was very curious. How could this woman who before appeared weak, unhappy, and always apologetic have in such a short time turned out to exude such confidence and peacefulness? I too felt weak, unhappy and unloved. I found out she had taken Helpline I and II from Pat Zerman at the Awareness Center. I wanted to exude that same confidence and peacefulness. As difficult as it was trudging through those feelings for the umpteenth time since I had many years of traditional therapy, I learned so much and felt better than I have ever felt in my whole life. I learned to make self-loving choices for me, which at the time included a total separation from my whole family. In time, I began making more healthy relationship choices. When the time was right (eight years), my family and I were reunited. The best gift I ever got was from my Mom on my 50th birthday. She wrote me a sweet letter apologizing for not being the parents she and my dad should have been to me and said to always remember how proud they were of me. Pat has taught me to be true to me and that it's o.k. to be selfish with a capital "S". (S.W., Fayetteville)

Pat and the Awareness Center are truly the best kept secrets that Atlanta has to offer for people who are honestly looking for something new in their lives and who want to experience unlimited personal growth. Using the techniques taught in the classes, I learned to love myself. In the process I found my voice, I now say "yes" when I mean "yes" and "no" when I mean "no" and am clear about my decisions. I can't tell you what a relief it was to learn this and happily use it every day! I continue to be amazed at how others around me react when I speak what is true for me. The real lesson is that they are not the ones who changed, I am! I wish that everyone could experience the wonder of Pat and the Awareness Center! There is not a better gift I could have ever given myself than experiencing the classes offered at the center.

She helped us understand that avoiding taking risks was avoiding being ourselves, and that taking risks is an avenue to being ourselves. Words cannot fully express my sincere gratitude, nor my enthusiasm for what she does for people, nor my strong belief that millions of people can change their lives by going through Helpline. (A.L., Atlanta)

I thank Pat for her inspiration and guidance, teaching through tough love and caring. I became an entirely different person and I feel so thankful for the opportunities and chance to live without fear. (N.W., Lilburn)

The first time I met Pat believed there was nothing wrong in my life and that I was perfect. I had totally shut out all the problems in my past and current life or just pretended that they did not exist. Pat allowed me to open up to her and express my true feelings about my past and myself. I was raised to believe that it is natural to do things you are asked to do out of a sense of guilt or obligation. Pat has shown me that we are here to be true to ourselves instead of others. She has helped me become the person I have always wanted to be and has given my life true meaning. (J.S., Atlanta)

Did I suffer from a serious psychiatric disorder or have significant impairments which kept me from being a productive member of society? No... I did live in a dysfunctional world of enough magnitude to impact family and love relationships and to keep me stuck in old belief systems. Who was it that said, "it may be hell, but at least I know the names of the streets?" A friend told me about Pat and the Atlanta Awareness Center. I found a place from which I would eventually reveal many of simple - but not easy - answers. I believe "Helpline" should be a prerequisite for every human adolescent. How sad that many do not or cannot see their way through to seeking professional advice about what repeatedly doesn't work for them. What a gift for those who have found their way and who do break old cycles, who subsequently serve as catalysts for healthier behaviors and relationships. (M.G., Atlanta)

I have a special friend that I believe is making a difference in the lives of others. Her name is Pat and her medium of LOVE is a facility called the Atlanta Awareness Center. As I see it, "Real Life Application" of what you know, what you continue to be connected to and add to your bank of knowledge and experience is KEY to successfully maneuvering through the daily opportunities and obstacles that life presents. My specific goal was learning to "walk my talk". I was suffering from severe depression and isolation. I needed to feel my feelings and to be with them unconditionally for however long it took. I was assisted in recognizing self-defeating behaviors or blocks there were preventing me from moving on. Through the group exercises, I learned to take responsibility for my thoughts, behaviors and actions. I've also learned to be kind to myself and to simply "be". There are several themes that come to mind when reviewing the tools that I've learned through out Pat's classes. One that remains constant is "three fingers out, one finger in". Whatever I see outside myself is typically what is going on internally. If I see something happy or disturbing outside myself, I need not react outwardly but simply go within. An other theme that comes to mind is "making my yes's mean yes and my no's mean no". I am reminded to mean what I say and to say what I mean. Honesty begets honesty and real connectedness and communication. When I am honest, I am honor myself. I am being myself. Pat's Center gave me the tools and experiences to help me in the fulfillment of this goal one day at a time. (S.M., Atlanta)

When I first met Pat I was a sinking ship heading down a whirlpool. I felt extremely dismayed about life in general. I was full of anger and helplessness. I hated the world and felt like life was not giving me my fair shake. I didn't know if anything was going to work for me. These areas included my career, relationships, family, and my personal happiness. Then there was a ray of hope. Pat's teachings have given me tools that I can use for the rest of my life. When I am in a state of anger, anxiety, or sadness, I always have the tools to look inside and see the situation for what it is. The same mind that tells me I'm great and all is well just as easily judges me, doubts me, ridicules me, and makes me feel miserable. Being aware of this has helped me tremendously and I am forever grateful. I have to say that living in the present, the now, has been the most valuable ongoing lesson. (D.B., Roswell)

The way pat helps people isn't by telling them how to fix themselves or patting them on the back, saying "Don't worry, everything is gonna be all right". She gets you to dig down deep... find the root of the problem, find out why you feel and act the way you do. Then she gives you a large variety of tools and shows you how to use them to fix what needs to be fixed inside and how to deal with the ups and downs of life! (L.P., Cedartown)

I was suffering from years of bulimia and spent many years in therapy. I just could not find anything that worked. I was miserable. My relationships were a mess, I hated myself. I could not allow anyone to love me. I continued to make bad choices. I often thought I would die from this horrible illness. Every doctor I could talk a good game, but as far as putting it into play it did not happen. Pat was brutally honest, yet able to be gentle and safe. Though she does not judge anyone, I did not want to hear what she had to say but the good news is that I was desperate, so I listened. Sometimes I felt like I was jumping off a cliff. I was forced to deal with my past and it was very ugly. But, after that class I was never bulimic again. The desire to be bad to myself was gone just like magic. Many other things have happened to my life since that class, but there is too much to write. I believe that so many people have these answers, but no one teaches us how to apply them to our life. It is all so simple, yet so hard. I hope you will read this and know this is very powerful stuff only those that are serious about change could take. Pat honestly, honestly has a lot to say, but these 2 things I hold deep in my brain, "That what we resist persists" and "What we focus on expands". Anyone could tell me what I need to do, but I needed someone to show me how. (L.A., Buford)

My whole life has done a 360 degree turn around. There have been days when I find myself laughing and just enjoying life in the moment. I didn't realize I was in so much pain until I discovered true happiness. Now that I've realized true inner strength - I am able to give to others. I realize now, that if you are not truly loving yourself - it's difficult to give love to others. The group sessions helped me risk being me. It was a turning point. Pat gave us tools to use for healing and a safe environment with others who were on the same journey of self-exploration and healing. (P.W., Tempe)

Pat teaches Truth and helps people make self-discoveries which propel their lives in wonderful directions. She taught me the value of living in Truth, and not hiding from it or trying to change it. Most importantly to me, I learned to walk through my fears which were holding me back in a tight grip from which I could find no release. I learned the greatest most valuable lessons of my life from Pat: the only way out is through our problems. And, lo and behold, to my vast amazement I discovered the problem was with me! I learned to work on myself instead of trying to fix others and life suddenly became much easier. My marriage now is a strong partnership and I owe much of that to Pat. My husband and I have done the work, but she gave us the tools. Until then we were like a boat without a rudder. Now we navigate the seas of life with assurance and weather the rough sports with confidence, patience, understanding and love. (S.N., Marietta)

Pat Zerman and her teachings have literally changed my life and from the bottom of my heart I thank her for:

  • Entering my life and showing me the light
  • Opening up a new world for me
  • Helping me to rebuild/reconstruct my views of myself and the Universe
  • Opening my eyes and my heart
  • Showing me new opportunities and new ways
  • Drying up my tears with her wisdom and care
  • Changing me in so many different ways
  • Freeing me
  • Helping me discover the wings behind my back
  • Encouraging me to take the "trash" out of my "house"
  • Teaching me to love myself
  • Her patience
  • Her honesty
  • Her loving "shock therapy" and many-many more

I believe that hundreds if not thousands more people could benefit from knowing that Pat is here and the doors of the Atlanta Awareness Center are open for them and will be a wonderful opportunity to start an incredible journey into REALness, happiness, openness and love. (M.R., Atlanta)

When I first arrived, my marriage was falling apart and I wanted Pat to fix me, fix my wife and send us on our merry way. I no clue that there were so many more big issues that were cooking. After the classes I understand and appreciate myself more, especially my spiritual connection to the Universe. I dubbed her the "Laser Lady" soon after I started working with her when I saw how she had an innate knack for zooming right into the heart of matters with no "bs". I feel that her approach would stand alone in it's honest simplicity among so many happy, feel-good pandering practices. My personal life continues to fascinate me - not "needing" anyone to complete me, and discovering there's a lot more to get to know. And, that by letting go of neediness I have allowed for a lot of fun and rewarding relationships to show up in my life. Wonderful to discover that in order to gain control all I had to master was letting go of control - completely - still a practice that I keep up and will work on the rest of my life. (P.T., Atlanta)

It was the best thing I could have ever done for myself. Instead of changing us into these smiling happy people, Pat had given us tools. PRACTICAL exercises we could do with or without her that allowed us to help ourselves. She helped me take all of the self-help things I had read or seen or heard and actually help me learn how to live the messages. She gave me the tools to take the baby-steps that got me to where I am today! (C.C., Smyrna)

Pat's classes offer lessons of life that have a universal application to any situation one might encounter. I finally learned to trust myself and take responsibility for my choices and actions. I have found myself again and I like the woman I see in the mirror. If you are willing to go through the fire, Pat is willing to go through it with you. She never gives up and never lets you give up. I am glad I did something right in my life. (B.D., Peachtree City)

The only problem was I felt like an imposter living someone else's dream because I was so unhappy with who I was. Pat helped me see that I was o.k. I was not an imposter and I had all the tools inside me to make myself happy and not have to look to people, situations or events to assure me I was worthy of all the great things I wanted. Pat taught me to be rooted in myself and stay present, in the moment, for that is where life is lived. (S.R., Kansas).

Through the classes I learned to be honest with myself and face the truth even it if hurt. I learned to forgive my parents, realizing that they were products of their own childhoods. She gave me tools to work through problems rather than abandon myself through the use of alcohol and drugs. I learned to forgive myself for my shames and to be compassionate with others with their faults. I learned to do little things every day to honor and love myself. This was the key to learning self-love. I was learning to make choices that honored myself rather than destroyed myself. I learned that through my choices, I was ultimately responsible for the person I wanted to be and the life I was going to lead. I use my tools every day. My wish is that more people knew about her and her teachings. If people only knew there IS an answer, that there IS a way through, then they would take less drastic and destructive measures. (D.W., Mableton)

Live in the NOW, right now!!!! Now I am writing this and in hopes that you give her a chance to continue to help others see and feel their own potential. I feel Pat has many gifts to share and I am so very blessed to have met her and for her help in my life. I was very stuck and unhappy with myself and thought it was everyone and everything else. Today when I am having a bad day I can evaluate quickly and get back on the track to live life to the fullest. (C.C., Atlanta)

Pat has a gift. She can see what people are missing and has a style that makes it impossible to ignore what you need to hear. With her I worked through my issues related to the break up of my marriage. I made amends to him, learned to forgive and felt free. I am sure that everyone can benefit from her insightful, no-nonsense approach to clearing out that garbage in ourselves we all carry around. (J.O., Atlanta)

I can honestly say Pat's knowledge and sharing of "truth teachings" has benefited me more than any course or experience I have ever known (S.D., Atlanta).

The group environment, homework, exercises and feedback through Pat's classes have made a profound impact within my life (J.C., Boston).

Pat helped me realize that no other person or entity could make me happy or sad. She also helped me realize that I had the ability to determine how my life would proceed and that attributes I envied or admired in others existed in me. Pat helped me to understand that whatever I wanted to do in life was within my grasp and that asking for help is not a bad thing. (J.G., Atlanta)

As it turned out, finding the Atlanta Awareness Center was perhaps one of the most important decisions of my life. I learned to live the message of love, acceptance, and forgiveness taught by Pat that allowed me to grow in ways I would not have thought possible. I became more outgoing and open, and found that my daily interactions with people were more important to me than ever before. (A.F., Atlanta)

"Helpline" was the hands-on, kick-in-the-pants therapy that I needed to deal with the past so I could be happy in the present. I thought I had worked with therapists before, I always left the session feeling like I had been through the emotional ringer, and didn't have anything to show for it in terms of healing wasn't getting me anywhere. I needed to learn how to be honest with others, and deal with my fears of rejection, which is ultimately what most of us fear above anything else. Pat taught me to stop blaming others. Regardless of what has happened in my past, my future is up to me. "When I point a finger at someone else there are three fingers point back." She also taught me that "guilt is anger I am afraid to express". I realized I felt guilty about something all the time, and it was preventing me from being honest with others as well as with myself. I lived my life in such fear of expressing my true feelings that I no longer knew what I was feeling! I avoided conflict at any cost and believed everyone else was more important than I was. Taking the classes offered a glorious relief. I face my fears head-on instead of acting on assumptions. The results are worth the effort! (C.M., Atlanta)

I learned so many things in Pat's teachings and the change in me is recognizable to my close friends and to "my wave to" neighbors. I just can't believe the light bulbs that have illuminated my life. I am brutally honest about my feelings. I am "real". I have faced my fears and I am living in the NOW! (J.P., Swannee)

My life will never be the same and I am really happy about that. I have a new gift that allows me to always be safe, peaceful and ok with all that is and all that will be. I urge you to speak with Pat and learn what she has done to help hundreds of people change their lives forever. (A.B., Atlanta)

Pat's class was a journey to self-discovery in a way that I hadn't experienced before. I began to really listen to my inner voice, the guiding voice of my intuition, not the loud chatter in my head. I began to experience life fully and found by telling "my truth" life became effortless. I discovered that the road to freedom is a short one, only requiring a little time, at rest. Every day is a day to discover how to fully listen to my "gut" and tell the truth. Thank you for helping me discover that the man I always wanted to be was always right inside of me. (D.C., Atlanta)

I learned that I am important and I can be Selfish in a loving and caring way and really be happy with the decision I make every day. I have learned more about me and my life in a few short years than I did going through therapy since I was 12 or 13. I learned to live now and appreciate my life and that I am whole and perfect just the way I am and that I am responsible for myself, not anyone else! Pat helped me love myself, my life and everyone in it. She helps us actually live what all those self-help books are about. (C.D., Douglasville)

The classes taught me how to see and become aware of how I was constantly reacting to my past, reliving it again and again, rather than making self-loving choices and changing. I learned that any decision I make which does not come from a place of love for myself is a choice based on fear. The freedom I feel is amazing. Most importantly, I learned that I have feelings, how to feel those feelings and then express them constructively. I've learned to be completely responsible for my thoughts, actions and ultimately change the parts of myself that no longer serve who I am. I've stopped abusing myself, as I had been abused. While the definition of what Pat does significantly limits all that the Center has to offer, I've taken my life to a place that is more manageable, less chaotic, self-loving caring and worth living. As a result from taking Pat's classes, I feel grrrreat and I am great! (L.F., Atlanta)

Pat is a one-of-a-kind person who takes a unique approach to helping people lead more effective lives. Her central message is that people can choose to wallow in personal problems, depression, etc., or can choose to drop that "video tape" in the trash-can and take command of their lives in a proactive, positive, direction. Others have the same message, but few are able to practice or articulate it as clearly and directly. Someone called her the "laser lady". She does not talk "psycho-babble" but gets right down to it. She has helped the hundreds of people have found their way to her by personal recommendation and word of mouth turn their lives around. (B.K., Atlanta)

After meeting Pat my life changed dramatically. You see I was used to depression and dysfunction being MY way of making my way through the world. She taught me to trust myself, feel instead of think, not beat myself up in my head so much and become quiet. She taught me how not to have guilt and whatever I had anxiety about I could either do something about it or not. I started making choices and trusted them. I'm alive and I feel and it's such a wonderful place to be. I LIKE myself. Truly LIKE myself. Now that is worth everything to me. (K.N., Atlanta)

The Atlanta Awareness Center
Patricia Zerman, MS, LPC
1373 Old Virginia Court, SE
Marietta, GA 30067-8461


Email: atlantaawarenesscenter@yahoo.com