
Helpline I - Who Am I?

If you are tired of your life not working and have tried everything, this class is for you. It offers an avenue to self-discovery that dramatically ends pain and transforms your life. You actually learn to risk being yourself without fear!

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It is an experience-based class that teaches the absolute value of self-importance and the power of self-expression. The bottom line is until you have a relationship with you nothing truly works in life. You must be real, genuine and honest by respecting, honoring and loving yourself.

That means saying "yes" when you mean "yes" and "no" when you mean "no." For most this is possible in some areas, but not across the board. Inevitably there is always someone who jerks your chain, makes you cringe and reduces self-confidence.

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This course gently helps you risk standing up for yourself, express emotions effectively, and break old patterns that make you feel helpless, alone, depressed and unworthy. Feelings must be felt, allowed and released in order to be free. You learn to get in touch with your feelings, openly accept yourself and others without judgment, and confidently say what you feel without fear.

You feel like you have found "you" for the first time. Practicing the exercises offers practical skills that create a new way of living and being. As hundreds of others, you will receive a noticeable powerful return.

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In addition to the eight-week course you receive continual support before and after class, over the phone and email access. See clearly into patterns, identify blocks and understand what is happening emotionally on a much deeper level.

With laser-like perception Pat rapidly pinpoints hot-spots helping individuals begin clearing out emotional debris. It also allows you to be more open, aware and feel safer when class begins. It is well worth your time if you are ready to be free. Take the risk!

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The Atlanta Awareness Center
Patricia Zerman, MS, LPC
1373 Old Virginia Court, SE
Marietta, GA 30067-8461


Email: atlantaawarenesscenter@yahoo.com